#1 Dental Clinic in Coimbatore, India. Call Us: +917200040664 - Office | +919442340664 - Dr. Swarna

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Book An Appointment


  • Considering our professional responsibility in serving our clients and as pain due to many dental emergencies cannot be postponed, We are open from May 4th 2020.
  • Practices implemented at Tooth town to ensure safety for our Clients:
  • Appointment booking is mandatory. Only one patient will be attended at a time in the clinic. This will help in maintaining social distance and will help us disinfect the operatory before the next client. We request you to arrive on time for your appointment and wait in your vehicle until we call inside.
  • Complete sanitization of the clinic will take place after every treatment procedure. As many of you know, we follow strict sterilization & disinfection protocols. In addition we have adopted Ozone air purification, Ultra violet germicidal irradiation, Fogging aerial disinfection, Hepa air filtration, Surface disinfection, PPE for all staff, sanitiser, gloves, mask, apron, shoe covers for clients and so on to ensure safety.
  • Procedures are done under Rubber dam protection which considerably reduces aerosol infection though only Emergency procedures are given priority and attented
  • We request you to consider non cash digital payments.
  • COVID-19 being an highly virulent infection, we request symptomatic individuals, individuals with travel history or contact with infected individuals and people under government imposed quarantine to refrain from coming to the clinic. However any dental emergency for such people will be assisted over phone.
  • We are trying our best to keep cross infection under control with our strict sterilization protocol. We request you to follow the protocols and help us serve you better.

Kindly check before fixing appointment

Contact us on+91 94423 40664

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