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Bite Guard

Protect your teeth from wearing, cracking or chipping.

Bite guard is a rubber or plastic like guard worn inbetween your teeth which is made for your upper or lower jaw teeth. It can prevent you from Headaches , Jaw aches , Tmj pains that’s been caused by muscle strain due to worn out teeth . It is very comfortable to wear and soothing for the joint. It can be worn at nights or through out the day as directed by your Dentist. It prevents the meeting of upper and lower jaw teeth at rest . It is also prescribed by a Dentist when they have given full mouth Restorations or Dental Implant Restorations on both sides . It is also given when a habit of Night grinding is there for kids or Adults. After wearing for few weeks your Dentist evaluates and Decide whether to continue or stop wearing it in few months. Mostly its clear in color . It may be soft or hard chosen by your Dentist according to your problems .

Guard your teeth and Enjoy life dental pain free


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